Bespoke Book Illustration Commissions

My passion - creating watercolour & digital illustrations! 

It has been an ambition for as long as I can remember to illustrate children’s books. I am very privileged to be working with three children’s authors who are using stories and images to convey important messages as well as enjoyment through their stories.

I am able to offer traditional watercolour illustrations as well as digital artwork to suit the varying needs of each project. My one common thread however, remains the watercolour backgrounds that I like to work on top of. Colour is key and whilst my characters hold all the emotion and storytelling cues, the bold and textured backgrounds give depth and suggestion to the environment around them.

  • Page 16 (2)
  • Page 4
  • How Does Your Garden Grow Front Cover
  • Page 18
  • The Sleep Book
  • Dreamasaurus - Mini mInds Matter.jpg
  • Adventures of C.W Inner Page.jpg

    A lifelong ambition realised...

    As a child I loved to read. I loved that feeling of being completely drawn into another world where fantastical things could and did happen. As a teenager I also found escape in literature and continued to read avidly into my teens. When I became a primary teacher I discovered the joy of reading to children and retelling stories.

    There is nothing better than watching young children’s faces react to the emotions within a picture book and seeing their eyes light up at the illustrations. My eldest daughter has taken after me and much prefers to sit up at night looking through her books instead of sleeping! I often find large piles of books at the bottom of her bed and as she has learned to read more fluently over the last year or so, she is now discovering the joy of telling stories to others by reading to her little sister.

    Being able to create illustrations which help to bring stories to life really does realise a life ambition for me!

    I am able to offer traditional watercolour illustrations as well as digital artwork to suit the varying needs of each project. My one common thread however, remains the watercolour backgrounds that I like to work on top of. Colour is key and whilst my characters hold all the emotion and storytelling cues, the bold and textured backgrounds give depth and suggestion to the environment around them.

    "With freedom, books, flowers and the moon... Who could not be happy?"

    Oscar Wilde

    The Design Process...

    Once a story outline is shared, I prepare initial sketches for clients which are then edited and approved. At each stage of the work, there is a regular dialogue to ensure the correct result is achieved. Where possible, I try to meet up with clients so that I can understand their needs in more depth – and given current circumstances this can be done via zoom meetings meaning that distance need not be an issue.

    My illustration rates are in line with guidance from the Association of Illustrators and each contract is discussed individually so that you can achieve the exact outcome you are looking for – whether it be a full 32 page children’s book or smaller illustrations for poems, title pages, chapter headings, logo design or advertisements.

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    childrens book illustrations

    "There are so many details that Rachael has included, that make the illustrations meaningful to the story, and I am delighted with the result."

    Aislinn Marek

    Jodie James, Author 

    As an author, who has recently created my first picture book, I can hardly explain how wonderful it was discovering Rachael and her beautiful work. Seeing a story idea come to life in artwork has been truly amazing. I feel so very happy (and lucky) that we got to work together and I absolutely love what we have created.
    The process itself of working with Rachael was a joy – I was able to chat and discuss ideas with her, throughout the whole thing, and she really understood the project so well. The best part about it was that Rachael knows and loves the countryside where the story is set (so much!), and we’ve been able to create something that is so genuine, and has a wonderful aim at it’s heart … to spread a love for nature, and to show how creativity can blossom when you love and appreciate your surroundings.
    I wonder if many other author’s get to enjoy working so closely with an artist? Because for me this project has been a thoroughly lovely collaboration, and one that has been so real and heartfelt. Rachael is a thoroughly lovely person too, and I hope to persuade her to work with me on other projects in the future!


    Aislinn Marek, Author - The Calm Within

    My name is Aislinn Marek, and I am a person centred counsellor who lives and works in Bury.  Having worked in the areas of mental health and education for around 20 years, I am passionate about supporting people with their mental health, and believe that early intervention and prevention are key.  I work with adults and children, around a number of different issues, but one of the most common things that people struggle with because of emotional difficulties, is their sleep. 

    I love to write, often making up silly poems and stories for my own children, as well as the children I work with, and believe that story telling is such an important part of our culture.  The little girl in this story is a culmination of many children I have worked with as well as my own.  There is no big trauma in this story, no huge problem for her to overcome, rather her mind is just too busy.  We live in a world where we are always on the go, and then we get to bed, our bodies may stop, but our brains try and process all the information from the day.  I wanted to normalise that experience, for both parents and children.  For children who experience this, there's not anything wrong, they are not deliberately trying to avoid going to bed, they just haven't learnt how to switch off their busy brains.  The first part of the story shows some of the things that are buzzing around her head, and the second part reveals how she manages to slow down and switch off.  The final section of the book offers support and guidance for parents and carers, explaining why the techniques work, why certain environmental factors are important, and how they can support their child. 

    I love how Rachael has brought the little girl, and her teddy, to life, and she has really captured the style of the story.  There are so many details that Rachael has included, that make the illustrations meaningful to the story, and I am delighted with the result.

    Rachael has been a delight to work with, and I can't wait for our next collaboration!

    So the children can learn about farming life whilst becoming aware of emotion… Stories and illustrations that will last forever and always have spot on your children’s book shelf for years to come.

    Georgie Mitchell

    Georgie Mitchell - Author & Owner of 'The Nest Farm School', Burnley

    Hi, I'm Georgie a first generation farmer, a mother of 3 wild feral farm children, a believer of manifesting and an all round Lancashire lass who has an absolute love for writing.

    I had an early midlife crisis at the age of 30 and quit my teaching job to try my hand at farming, it was the best thing I ever did. After renting pockets of land all over the Ribble valley building my flock of sheep and rearing pigs for meat all with my first 2 children in tow I realised that there was a huge missing link between farming, education and children.  This then set me on to my current venture.

    2 years ago I was given the tenancy on a new mini farm just 3 miles from my home. I new when I saw it, it was perfect.  I admit openly I wasn’t sure what it was perfect for at the time so began to research and throw ideas around.  I kept re visiting my initial idea, farming, education and children. I decided I was going to open my very own farm school, my family and friends through I was bonkers. It would never work they said, to much red tape they said... so I went ahead, of course. 

    Last year, after I put every penny in I had, which meant I sold my large flock of sheep and gave up my pockets of land, I put every emotion in possible, worked every hour possible. I completely revamped and renovated the place.  In June 2019 I finally opened. Still 1 year on, I'm totally overwhelmed at the feedback and support. It's better than I had ever imagined , the experience and education i can provide to children is just incredible.  Being part of something that allows and encourages children to be free, experience, learn and make memories is just something that is so special.

    I had always liked putting pen to paper, plenty of comments of how the place looked like it should be in book, prompted me to move forwards and achieve another dream. Write children’s farm stories, so this winter with the wonderfully talented Rachel i will have my first book out.  All my stories are drawn from experiences and mischief that has happened on the farm. The illustrations are captured at the farm school with all the quirky mischievous farm animals. 

    The first story, is how on Christmas day a very special farm friend arrives very magically. She is one of the favourite farm animals and secretly is mine too.  A special magical story, set in winter around Christmas time, with beautiful water colour wintery wonderland illustrations of how the farm gained another very special friend.

    All my stories have an element of education entwined with hidden messages of acceptance, kindness and care. So the children can learn about farming life whilst becoming aware of emotion… Stories and illustrations that will last forever and always have spot on your children’s book shelf for years to come.

    Get in touch to discuss your dream project...

    I aim to respond to all messages within 48 hours but please bear with me if I'm knee deep in drawing, painting or illustrating!

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    We are part of the AOI for Illustrations! If you would like to find out more about the AOI and licensing then click here